CMVT has gained experience in project management under grant-aided schemes.
Offers courses for acquisition and upgrading professional qualifications in these areas: ore mining, construction and geodesy, machine manufacturing, metal working and metallurgy, transport infrastructure, information and communication technologies, tourism, electrical engineering and energetics, business management and administration, chemical industry, social care. The Centre organizes periodic refresher courses for upgrading workers’ competences to operate material handling equipment, lifting devices, gas facilities.
Seeks to establish a commitment to upgrading the knowledge and expertise of the employees within the Group. We offer training courses for: acquiring key competences, development of leadership skills, teamwork, foreign language learning. The company is socially engaged in enhancing the employees’ career development and raising their adaptability to the changing environment.
CMVT organizes and holds seminars, workshops and other initiatives related to exchange of experience. Our flexible cooperation with customers and partners allows us to conduct such courses all year round and in various locations convenient for all participants. The topics are tailored to the dynamics of the changing business environment.